- Crop Insurance Performance in 2017
- Secretary Perdue Discusses the State of Rural America at Senate Ag Committee Hearing- Focus on Trade, RFS
- Perdue: RFS Waivers Wiped Out a Billion Gallons in Biofuel Demand
- Full Committee Hearing | The State of Rural America | April 24, 2018 (2 hr. 26 min. Video)
- ‘State of Rural America’ Update
- Donnelly Secures Commitment from Agriculture Secretary Perdue to Continue USDA Efforts to Combat Opioid Epidemic in Rural Communities
- Commentary: Asphalt is the Last Crop
- Pruitt Says ‘Era of Secret Science’ Coming to End
- Northey Announces Change to Livestock Indemnity Program
- Marshall: 2018 Farm bill Should Provide Certainty to Ag Producers
- Pending Crop Insurance Change Concern an Oklahoma Wheat Grower
- Latest Planting in Four Years
- Winter Wheat Prices Rebound Yesterday
- Trump Says NAFTA Talks "Doing Very Nicely"
- China’s Sorghum Importers Plead for Help on Tariff as Trade Tumult Deepens
- Is There a Round Baler Sell-Off?
- 1,500 Cattle Die in Oklahoma Wildfires; Death Toll Could Increase
- Texas: Cotton Farmers May Face Increased Bollworm Pressure This Season
- Cotton Research Project Wins Spot on International Space Station
- Sorghum Prices Falls Three Times Lower After China Tariff Announcement