- Farm groups not backing down on stepped-up basis
- House panel approves $66 billion ag bill; change in ‘stepped-up basis’ is abandoned
- Charts give hope for profitable fall sales
- House Democrats Propose Cutting Estate Tax Exemption, Offer Higher Farmland Exclusion
- Ethanol, Oil Interests Try to Influence OMB on Renewable Fuel Standard
- Farmers relieved stepped-up basis preserved
- New equipment highlights from summer farm shows
- Successful Farming Tools of the Year 2021
- White House Takes On ‘Big Meat,’ Says Inflation Isn’t the Source of Swelling Retail Protein Prices
- Updated Study Shows The Value Of Red Meat Exports To U.S. Corn Farmers
- Livestock industry leaders talk hunger, climate at forum
- FAPRI Issues Five Year Corn Price Outlook
- U.S. August Tractor Sales Up 10%, Combine Sales Up 20%
- Crop Progress Report 09.13.2021 (PDF)
- Corn Growers React To Proposed Tax Changes