- National Farm Safety and Health Week Sept. 17–23, 2017
- Washington Week Ahead: Senate Prepares to Move USDA Nominees
- The New Myth of Herbicide Rotation
- Global Farmers Consider Oilseed Alternatives to Soybeans
- Survey: Cover Crop Acres on the Rise
- Survey: Cover Crops Boost Yield and Weed Control
- La Nina Winter? Models Show 60 Percent Chance
- FJCTV: How Replant Decisions Impacting Yield Expectations
- Oklahoma Wheat: Germination and Emergence in Hot Soils
- Rose on Cotton: The September WASDE Report was ‘Unbelievable’
- Farm Aid Highlights How Family Farmers Grow Opportunities
- Trends in Income By Farm Type 2012-2016
- ODAFF’s Made in Oklahoma Program Gets New 3,600 Sq. Ft. Store Front Location at OK State Fair