- 3 Big Things Today, October 30, 2019
- The Fine Print of Trump’s China Tariff Deal
- Plans for Phase One Trade Agreement With China Move Ahead
- Crop Insurance Receives Bipartisan Praise
- Roberts, Stabenow introduce NBAF mission bill Bill would affirm the mission of the National Bio and Agro-Defense facility
- Wheat Outlook – Hard times for hard wheat
- Buying guide: Is the internet killing ag retail?
- Government props up net farm income numbers
- USDA Takes an Earlier Look at the Long-Term Crop Forecast
- Have Prices on Combined Topped Out?
- Take that, Bud Light–Iowa brewery makes a beer with corn
- Spend the big bucks on herbicides for spring 2020
- Small-Refinery Exemptions Discussed at House Committee Hearing
- Highlights from House’s Hearing: "Protecting The RFS: The Trump Administration’s Abuse Of Waivers"
- Scientists to Study How Cover Crops Affect Plant Disease
- USDA Establishes Domestic Hemp Production Program
- The Case for Looking at the ARC-IC (ARC-Individual) Program Option