Ag News

Backlogged Weekly Export Sales, NASS Crop Report Dates Moved

Starting with export data, the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) has not published a weekly Export Sales report since Dec. 20, 2018. FAS has resumed daily reporting of export sales and will implement the following schedule to bring weekly reporting up to date:

— The report for the week ending Dec. 20, 2018, will be published Thursday, Jan. 31.

— The report for the week ending Dec. 27, 2018, will be published Feb. 7.

— The report for the week ending Jan. 3, 2019, which will include the marketing-year changeover figures for hides and skins, wet blues, pork and beef, will be published Feb. 14.

Additional information about the Export Sales Reporting Program is available at :


Farm Service Agency Announces Program Deadline Extensions | Source: – 01/30/2019

USDA’s Farm Service Agency extended deadlines on many of its programs because of the government shutdown and the emergency nature of many of the programs. Below are updated deadlines:

Market Facilitation Program
Deadline to apply extended to Feb. 14, 2019

Marketing Assistance Loans
If loan matured in December 2018, settlement date extended to Feb. 14, 2019

Peanut loans or Loan Deficiency Payments – loan availability date now Feb. 28, 2019

Emergency Conservation Program
Performance reporting due Feb. 14, 2019

Livestock Forage Disaster
2018 application for payment due Feb. 28, 2019

Emergency Assistance Livestock, Honey Bees, and Farm-raised Fish Program
Notice of loss due Feb. 14, 2019

Livestock Indemnity Program
Notice of loss due Feb. 14, 2019

Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program
Submitting 2019 application for coverage due Feb. 14, 2019

Notice of loss for 72-hour harvest and grazing (as applicable) due Feb. 14, 2019

Notice of loss for prevented planting and failed acres due Feb. 14, 2019

Applications for payment for 2018 covered losses due Feb. 14, 2019

Tree Assistance Program
Notice of loss due Feb. 14, 2019

For inquiries related to these programs or any not listed above, please contact your local USDA Service Center.




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