2025 Crop Year (CY) Common Crop Insurance Policy and Area Risk Protection Insurance Projected Prices and Volatility Factors

The 2025 CY projected prices shown below are approved for the following plans of insurance: Yield Protection, Area Yield Protection, Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion, and Area Revenue Protection with the Harvest Price Exclusion. The 2025 CY volatility factors shown below are approved for the following plans of insurance: Revenue Protection, Area Revenue Protection, Revenue Protection with Harvest Price Exclusion, and Area Revenue Protection with the Harvest Price Exclusion. Information is deemed reliable, not guaranteed, and subject to change.
Visit Source: USDA | RMA


States: TX & OK
Exchange: CBOT
Contract: July Corn
Proj. Price: $4.15
Vol. Factor OK: 0.16
Vol. Factor TX: 0.16
Harvest Price: $0.00


States: TX & OK
Exchange: ICE
Contract: July Canola
Proj. Price: $ 0.213
Volatility: 0.19
Harvest Price: $0.000

Corn | OK

States: TX
Exchange: CBOT
Contract: Dec Corn
Proj. Price: $0.00
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.00

Corn | TX

States: OK
Exchange: CBOT
Contract: Dec Corn
Proj. Price: $0.00
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.00

Cotton | OK

States: OK Exchange: ICE
Contract: Dec. Cotton
Proj. Price: $0.00
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.00

Cotton | TX

States: TX Exchange: ICE
Contract: Dec. Cotton
Proj. Price: $0.00
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.00

Cotton  | TX | Organic

States: TX Exchange: ICE
Contract: Dec. Cotton
Proj. Price: $0.00
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.00

Cotton Seed Endorsement

Cottonseed price OK: $0.1150
Cottonseed factor OK: 1.2390
Cottonseed price TX: $ 0.1150
Cottonseed factor TX:  1.2670

ELS Irrigated Cotton TX: $0.1150 (APH)
ELS IRR Cottonseed Factor TX: 1.2670

ELS IRR Cotton |TX

Per RMA Actuarials

Grain Sorghum | OK

States: OK Exchange: CBOT
Contract: Dec. Corn
Proj. Price: $0.00
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.00

Grain Sorghum | TX

States: TX Exchange: CBOT
Contract: Dec. Corn
Proj. Price: $0.00
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.00

Oats | OK & TX

States: OK & TX
Exchange: CBOT Winter & Spring
Contract: July Wheat
Proj. Price: $3.37
Vol. Factor: 0.22
Harvest Price: $0.00

Peanuts | Runners

States: OK, TX
Exchange: CBOT & ICE
Contract: December CTZ, ZLZ, ZMZ, ZWZ
Projected: $ 0.0000
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.0000

Peanuts | Spanish

States: OK, TX
Exchange: CBOT & ICE
Contract: December CTZ, ZLZ, ZMZ, ZWZ
Projected: $ 0.0000
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.0000

Peanuts | Valencia

States: OK, TX
Exchange: CBOT & ICE
Contract: December CTZ, ZLZ, ZMZ, ZWZ
Projected: $ 0.0000
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.0000

Peanuts | Virginia

States: OK, TX
Exchange: CBOT & ICE
Contract: December CTZ, ZLZ, ZMZ, ZWZ
Projected: $ 0.0000
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.0000

Peanuts | Runners | Organic

States: TX
Exchange: CBOT & ICE
Contract: December CTZ, ZLZ, ZMZ, ZWZ
Projected: $ 0.0000
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.0000

Peanuts | Spanish | Organic

States: TX
Exchange: CBOT & ICE
Contract: December CTZ, ZLZ, ZMZ, ZWZ
Projected: $ 0.0000
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.0000

Peanuts | Valencia | Organic

States: TX
Exchange: CBOT & ICE
Contract: December CTZ, ZLZ, ZMZ, ZWZ
Projected: $ 0.0000
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.0000

Peanuts | Virginia | Organic

States: TX
Exchange: CBOT & ICE
Contract: December CTZ, ZLZ, ZMZ, ZWZ
Projected: $ 0.0000
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.0000

Rye | OK & TX

States: OK & TX
Exchange: CBOT
Contract: July Wheat
Proj. Price: $6.81
Vol. Factor: 0.22
Harvest Price: $0.oo

Soybeans | OK

States: OK
Exchange: CBOT
Contract: Jan. 2023 Soybeans
Proj. Price: $ 00.00
Vol. Factor: 0.oo
Harvest Price: $00.00

Soybeans | TX

States: TX
Exchange: CBOT
Contract: Nov. Soybeans
Proj. Price: $ 00.00
Vol. Factor: 0.oo
Harvest Price: $00.00

Sunflowers | Oil

States: OK, TX
Exchange: CBOT
Contract: December Soybean Oil 2023
Sales Closing: March 15, 2025
Proj. Price: $0.00
Vol. Factor: 0.00
Harvest Price: $0.00

Triticale | OK & TX

OK: $5.17/bu (aph)
TX: $5.17/bu (aph)


States: OK & TX
Exchange: KCBOT
Contract: July Wheat
Proj. Price: $5.90
Vol. Factor: 0.22
Harvest Price: $0.00